Generate as many QR codes as you need for FREE with no restrictions on commercial use. Our QR Code Generator is FREE for anyone to use with no sign-up or account required - fully functional, 100% ad-free, permanent QR codes that don't expire. We strongly recommend you choose the 'Short URL' option to avoid this problem. The URL contains an '&' symbol which will not work on some mobile phones, such as Windows Mobile running i-Nigma.
We suggest you choose to have the URL re-written to short format which will enhance the scanability of the QR code and will redirect the user to the URL you entered. The length of the URL you have entered has resulted in QR code that may exceed the maximum readable image density for most smartphones. If the URL you entered already contains an iTunes affiliate code then it will preserved and ours won't be added to it. This won't affect the functioning of the QR code in any way, but will help support the free service you've just used to create your QR code. ITunes link QR codes created by free users will have our iTunes affiliate code added to the end of them. Note: To take advantage of google campaign tracking your QR Code must point to a URL which has your google analytics code installed.